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Bob Caniglia的Blackmagic设计与马克·富兰克林谈论Blackmagic的最新相机, 转换器, and 解决 in this presentation from NAB 2023.

Bob Caniglia, Director of Sales Operations, 北美, Blackmagic设计马克·富兰克林, 流媒体特约撰稿人 和总统, 富兰克林创意媒体在NAB 2023的这个演示中,我们将介绍Blackmagic最新的相机、切换器和解决.

新的黑魔法12K OLPF

“新的OLPF模型是 网飞公司 卡尼利亚说. “Also we have a new version of software for the pocket camera, 所以你可以垂直拍摄, 然后标记文件. It doesn't matter which way you rotate the camera; it'll properly frame it for vertical insertion if you're going to use it out to TikTok or something like that.”

The new Blackmagic family of ATEM television studio products for HD

“在ATEM方面, we introduced this new family of ATEM television studio products for HD,Caniglia说. “So we had the HD 8 and the HD 8 ISO, and now we have a new 4K 8. 它有8个输入, 但它是4K的, 它有10个辅助输出, so you can run it out to hyperdecks to do ISO recording, 诸如此类. 但这是一款4K机型,而且还有一些可选的内部存储空间. 你可以在内部录制和编程.”


“You can add up to two terabytes to it,Caniglia说.

“Is that through NVMe (nonvolatile memory express) that you install yourself?富兰克林问道.

“是的, 原始单元中的NVMe存储, the HD units…the first few of them have internal storage, but we'll offer that as an option down the road,Caniglia说. “然后相机控制在某些镜头和类似的东西上变得更好了. 但在HD 8 ISO上,你可以从我们的新工作室摄像机或URSA广播中传输, 通过IP,你可以把信号发送到交换器,因为它内置了ATEM流桥. And you can have full control of that camera remotely as well.”



“这周末我要做一个项目,我的技术人员会带来你的一个星座,他很高兴能把它带来,富兰克林说, “He said the reason he got it was for the eight inputs, 普遍的决议, 基本上. So it's no longer like it was with the earlier versions?”

“没错,”Caniglia说. “There's standards conversion on every input, and that's all the new models. And we actually just announced a new 4 M/E Constellation 4K model. 它有40个输入和24个输出, but each of them has that standard converted input, which is very helpful for all the new 转换器 that we've been putting out.”

“质量和Teranex一样吗??富兰克林问道. Caniglia says yes, and Franklin asks him if they have a Teranex on each input.

“That’s 基本上 what you have on there,Caniglia说, “That's [a] pretty cool leveraging [of] that science we had from those products, being able to put it inside the switcher.”


Franklin asks to hear about some of the new features with Blackmagic’s 解决.

“解决18.5 went into public beta yesterday,Caniglia说. “It has some cool tools and different pages. On the cut page we added split audio editing. 我们重新安排了一些菜单,这样就减少了进入不同功能的点击次数. On the edit side, there's a new way to do audio to text. 你高亮一些音频,然后你使用菜单它会分析音频并将其转换为文本用于字幕或字幕. 但你也可以按词搜索,你会在其他地方找到这些词. 你可以直接编辑,它会标记出你就是那个词, 所以你可以直接编辑它. 非常适合拍纪录片.”

“Does that do it locally on your computer or do you have to upload it?富兰克林问道.

“It's done locally on the computer,Caniglia说. “We're using our own advanced neural engine AI to be able to pull that off.”

“Now that’s a part of 解决 itself, or is it part of Fusion?富兰克林问道.

“这是解决的一部分,”Caniglia说. “实际上,你可以从编辑页开始. [和]注入, 我们实际上添加了一些新工具,包括使用通用场景描述符的能力, 人们在其他渲染农场或类似的地方渲染时使用的通用工具是什么, 所以它打开了那个. 门顶窗 有各种各样的新工具来帮助消除噪音之类的东西吗. 在彩页中, 我们实际上有这个新的灯光选项,它为场景生成一个3D遮罩, and then you can position a light globally. 所以如果我们接受这次采访, [and] we decide we needed a light over here or something, 你可以加上这个. A lot of things have been added, including in our Blackmagic云 服务. 我们现在有空. So you can load up a file to show people a clip or a finished project, 然后你可以通过共享图书馆与你的小组中的其他人分享.”



“URSA 4K是,”卡尼利亚说. “But not only the cameras [but] also 解决 is 网飞公司 certified. 光学低通滤波器(OLPF)是必要的东西,让这个相机列入名单.”

Franklin asks Caniglia to further explain OLPF. “Where it really helps us to eliminate moray and 诸如此类,” he says. “所以当人们为虚拟产品拍摄大型LED墙壁时. 现在,解决已经被优化,可以识别用OLPF拍摄的镜头, so that it can maximize the image while eliminating any of the artifacting. So that’s in conjunction with 解决’s release, so that it knows that that footage was shot on that camera.”

“What is the procedure like to get 网飞公司 to approve a camera? 要花多长时间?富兰克林问道.

“It's a variable process,Caniglia说. “两支团队之间就他们的期望和我们能提供的东西进行了很多协调. 我们很幸运, 我们能够在宣布之前与他们合作,这样我们就可以同时宣布. 结果非常好. So our relationship with them is very strong.”

In this interview from the Blackmagic设计 booth at NAB 2024, Blackmagic设计的Bob Caniglia和流媒体的Shawn Lam讨论了Blackmagic如何使制作人能够将4K和高清信号转换为SMPTE 2110,以便他们可以跨IP网络移动内容, 他们的新开源2110 IP编解码器和新的配备10g端口的Blackmagic设计相机支持它,如PYXIS 6K和URSA Cine 12K.
In this review, we'll look at Blackmagic设计's 7" 12G Video Assist. Like the 5" and 3G models in the Video Assist line, 这种小巧的监测记录仪被设计成可以进入野外并与摄像机相连, 钻井平台, 或三脚架. 它能让你比小型取景器或弹出式LCD更清楚地看到你拍摄的照片,大多数专业摄像机的屏幕很少大于三四英寸. 视频辅助还使您能够以高达4Kp60的分辨率以高质量的ProRes或HD|NX记录您的镜头.
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